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Support  Eco Council Projects & Events

We are a group of volunteers who believe that great change is possible. We give time, energy, and talent to efforts that will influence how future generations view our natural resources. We know how empowering it can be to learn new habits, grow a garden, and help others understand our impact on Earth.

You can help us make a good impact today by contributing - we have lots of fun, engaging, creative ideas in store for K-12 students and their families.

Contribute to our Earth Week Events

Each year, members of the Burbank Eco Council plan to host a district-wide, open to all students, community-driven event during Earth Week.


This year we're partnering with California Creative Arts for the Earth Day Pedal Party 2024!

Your contributions are tax deductible.


Please consider helping us out - no contribution is too small.


Want to become a sponsor of our event? Email us:

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