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What is a Trashion Show?
A Trashion Show is a fashion show that celebrates environmentalism and innovation through wearable art created from used, thrown-out, found and/or repurposed elements. It calls attention to fast fashion pollution and landfills. It sparks creativity and conversation. A Trashion Show raises awareness about recycling and waste reduction while inspiring ingenuity and fun.
For Earth Day 2022 we hosted a Virtual Trashion Show on Friday, April 22, 2022 showcasing the trashion outfits students submitted. This year's theme: Reduce, Reuse, Refashion!
Earth Day 2022 Virtual Trashion Showcase
Curious whether a material is recyclable or not?
Check out the Burbank Recycle Center's 'Where it Goes' for lots of user-friendly info.
2022 Trashion Show Judges
Entries will be evaluated on creativity, design, originality, craftsmanship and on their environmental message that connects the fashion, material used, and the material’s effect on the environment.

JP Karliak
VO Actor, Writer, Snappy Dresser
Voice of Boss Baby

Jasmine Nyende
Musician, Artist, Crafter
Works in Material Design at Nike

Amy Hammes
Burbank's Recycling Specialist
Zero Waste Consultant / Waste Warrior
The judging for a lot of these outfits was REALLY CLOSE so there are many fantastic outfits that didn't win even though they were TOTALLY TRASHY. You can view the winning outfits here.
Congratulations to our top prize winners who each received $100:
K - 2nd grade: Milena Mendoza
3rd - 5th grade: Rosalind “Rosie” Schofield
6th - 8th grade: Syana Ford
9th - 12th grade: Finn Krol & Zoe VerGow
Congratulations to our honorable mentions:
Most wearable: Annabella Jaime
Best Accessories: Bea Park, Nana Bhambi, Josie Robinson, Ava Tashjian, Jacob Bowers, Lauren Matlock, Bianca Manganaan, Paris Tesfu & Aayush Bhambi
Most Actual Trash: Tegan Raftery
Most Creative Reuse: Ruth Tamae
"Least Trashy": Stella Valenciano
Refashioned Spirit Award: Kathryn Ericson
Pop-up Art / Trashion Show: April 29 @ 6-9pm
Don't even think about trashing that outfit! We want to see it in-person on Friday, April 29, 2022 in the UMe parking lot 6-9pm. We're rolling out the red carpet so you can flaunt your gorgeous garbage for our professional photographer. Read more on our Pop-up Art Show event page.
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